Lithuanian Film "Jump" Screened with Support of Kh...
On April 18, 2024, the documentary film "Jump", which chronicles the life of Lit...
19 April, 2024Read moreOn April 18, 2024, the documentary film "Jump", which chronicles the life of Lit...
19 April, 2024Read moreThe head of the Department of Political Sciences and Philosophy, Dr. Orkhan Vali...
19 April, 2024Read moreOn March 30, 2024, Dr. Milana Abbasova the head of the English Language and Lite...
18 April, 2024Read moreOn April 3, 2024, Dr. Milana Abbasova the head of the English Language and Liter...
18 April, 2024Read moreThe next issue of “Khazar Khabar” (March 2024, №437) is available at khazar-revi...
18 April, 2024Read moreProfessor Salahaddin Gelbal commenced module training on "Measurement in educati...
18 April, 2024Read moreAn article titled "New opportunities for international students with the establi...
17 April, 2024Read moreThe joint article by Khazar University founder, chairman of the Board of Directo...
16 April, 2024Read moreOn April 8-9, 2024, the next meeting was held in Ganja within the framework of t...
16 April, 2024Read moreOn April 4, 2024, the basketball team of Khazar University played its next gam...
15 April, 2024Read moreAccording to the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the preside...
15 April, 2024Read moreOn April 2, 2024, a scientific seminar was held at Khazar University for faculty...
15 April, 2024Read moreOn April 9, 2024, the event organized by the Department of languages and literat...
15 April, 2024Read moreKhazar University has calculated the carbon footprint for 2022 Scope1 and Scope2...
12 April, 2024Read moreOn April 22, 2020, Times Higher Education published the first THE University Imp...
12 April, 2024Read moreA new tool for Knowledge and Sustainability assessment has been created at Khaza...
12 April, 2024Read more