On December 25, 2024, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of Khazar University was held. Associate Professor Irada Khalilova, Rector of Khazar University, opened the meeting and brought the agenda items to the attention of Scientific Council members.
Chairperson Irada Khalilova informed council members about changes made to the composition of the Scientific Council.
Regarding the first item on the agenda about graduates, information was presented by Gunel Bahaddinova, Dean of the Graduate School of Science, Art and Technology, and Ingilab Ahmadov, Dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Business. Detailed information about graduating master's students' grades, specializations, etc., was heard and discussed.
For the second agenda item, faculty deans provided information about doctoral students' dissertation topics and scientific supervisors. Each student discussed the relevance of their dissertation topic, research methods, etc. Council members directed questions to the students and appropriate decisions were made.
Then, Rector Irada Khalilova gave the floor to Scientific Secretary Gunel Bahaddinova for information about the third agenda item concerning master's degree regulations. The Scientific Secretary noted that the regulations had been sent to each Scientific Council member in advance. The master's degree regulations clearly reflected all information from the assignment of the master's student's dissertation topic to its writing.
Scientific Council Secretary Gunel Bahaddinova provided information about the fourth agenda item concerning the annual report on Khazar University's scientific activities. She noted that the report was written based on the scientific activities of faculties, academic departments, research centers, and other relevant entities. The matter was discussed and the report was accepted.
The next item of the Scientific Council considered an application to petition the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for awarding the title of associate professor to Ph.D. Aynur Gazanfargizi, instructor at the Department of Languages and Literature. The Scientific Council Secretary provided detailed information about the candidate. Then, a counting commission was created and a secret ballot was held. The results were announced to council members by the chairman of the counting commission and a protocol was prepared.
Later, Chairperson Irada Khalilova gave the floor to Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Muhammad Nuriyev to inform council members about the sixth agenda item concerning the final examination session. The Vice-Rector brought the rules regarding exam question formation and examination process organization to the attention of council members. He emphasized that deans and department heads should prepare very seriously for this process.
All items on the Scientific Council's agenda were discussed and appropriate decisions were made.