On December 27, 2021, Khazar University hosted a literary-artistic evening organized by the Department of Languages and Literature entitled "I’m Alasgar, I'm Burnt in the Fire of Love." The event was opened by Dr. Aynur Gazanfargizi, the lecturer of the department. After her brief information about the work of Ashug Alasgar, Hafiz Karimov, the senior lecturer at the State University of Culture and Arts, Doctor of Philosophy in Art History, spoke about the opening of the ashug meetings with the melody "Grand Divan". The epos "Ashug Alasgar and Sahnabanu" staged by Khazar University students was presented.
Chairman of Dada Alasgar Public Union, Khatai Alasgarli, the great grandson of Ashug Alasgar, spoke about the legends about Ashug and recited his poems. On behalf of the union, he presented a memorial portrait of Ashig Alasgar to the dean of the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Associate Professor Elza Samedli.
Employees of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, representatives of Mirvarid Dilbazi circle, teachers and students of secondary school No. 1 in Khinalig village of Gubadli region named after Martyr Karam Mirzayev took part in the event.