An international scientific symposium on "Fuzuli's Poetry in the Light of Wisdom and Universal Moral Values" was held at Khazar University to celebrate the 530th anniversary of the birth of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Mohammad Fuzuli. The event took place on October 14-15, 2024, organized by the university's Mevlana Institute of Literary and Philosophical Studies and the Department of Languages and Literatures, with financial support from Zakher Travel tourism company and the Youth Support Fund.
The symposium aimed to comprehensively discuss the literary and philosophical school of Fuzuli, one of the most powerful masters of Turkic literature who made valuable contributions to world cultural heritage.
The study and international promotion of Fuzuli's heritage is particularly essential and important today, at a time when moral values are being overshadowed by wars, terrorism, social insensitivity, and indifference in the world.
The symposium opened with a video presentation about Fuzuli prepared by the Youth Support Fund's “Deyer” television. In the Marble Hall where the conference was held, an exhibition titled "The Art of Ebru Dedicated to Fuzuli's 'Water' Qasida" by Hikmet Barutcugil was presented by the Youth Support Fund. Then, welcoming the guests and declaring the event open, Prof. Academician Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of Khazar University and Chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, spoke about the history of research on Mohammad Fuzuli's heritage and his role in the development of Turkish language and literature, wishing success to the conference. Associate Professor Irada Khalilova, the Rector, emphasized the importance of the symposium and wished success to the conference participants. Academician Rafael Huseynov, director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, who was invited as a guest, highlighted the problems in Azerbaijani Fuzuli studies and expressed the need for a new perspective on the great poet's work. Associate Professor Nazakat Mammadli, director of the Mevlana Institute of Literary and Philosophical Studies, recited Fuzuli's poems and greeted the guests in the poet's language.
The symposium featured presentations from 68 speakers from 7 countries on topics such as "Fuzuli's Predecessors and Successors," "Artistic Features of Fuzuli's Work," "National and Universal Moral Values in Fuzuli's Work," "Wisdom and Sufism in Fuzuli's Work," "Love in Fuzuli's Work," "Naziras and Takhmis Written to Fuzuli's Poems," "Translation of Fuzuli's Works into World Languages," "Azerbaijani Fuzuli Studies Yesterday and Today: Problems and Perspectives," "Methodology of Teaching Fuzuli's Works," and "Fuzuli's Work in World Literary Studies."
It should be noted that the first day of the conference (October 14) was held in person at Khazar University's Neftchilar campus, while on the second day (October 15), participants were heard online. The online section was successfully organized on the Zoom platform. Speakers from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, India, and Hungary conducted scientific discussions in the light of the great Fuzuli over two days. The closing ceremony and evaluation session took place at the Youth Support Fund with a dinner.
Participants highly evaluated the organization and content of the symposium, and the presented abstracts and reports will be published as a collection.