On June 25, 2024, Khazar University's Department of Languages and Literatures hosted the defense of master's theses. Siyuan Wang presented research titled "Rules of Transliteration, Phonetic Interference (based on Azerbaijani and Chinese languages)," while Yuxuan Tang discussed "The Case Category in Azerbaijani and Its Means of Expression in Chinese." Both candidates, who are pursuing their master's degrees in Azerbaijani language from the department, responded accurately to the commission members' and experts' questions in line with the scientific discussion's criteria. Commission members – Assoc. Prof. Dilbar Zeynalova, Assoc. Prof. Rasim Heydarov, Dr. Reyhan Madatova, and Dr. Zamina Ziyayeva – along with experts Dr. Sevinj Aghayeva and Dr. Almaz Badalova, expressed their satisfaction with the candidates' demonstration of scientific knowledge and level of preparation. They recommended that the candidates continue their scientific research in the future.
The master's students expressed their appreciation to their supervisors – Assoc. Prof. Rasim Heydarov, Dr. Reyhan Madatov, and their instructors, along with the university administration, for the support and care provided throughout their studies. They also expressed confidence that the knowledge and experience gained would significantly contribute to the future development of China-Azerbaijan scientific relations.
Finally, in line with the regulations, and based on the consensus of the commission members, the master's research projects were positively assessed, resulting in a decision to award the applicants their master's degrees in the relevant fields. The members of the Defense Council congratulated both students and wished them success in their future endeavors.