On April 18, 2024, the documentary film "Jump", which chronicles the life of Lithuanian sailor Simas Kudirka was screened at the Landmark Hotel in Baku. The film, directed by Gedre Jitskite, tells the story of a sailor who jumped from a Soviet ship to a US ship in 1970 in a bid for asylum from the Americans. Throughout the documentary, S. Kudirka recounts the remarkable story of his pursuit of freedom.
Note that the film was showcased at various film festivals and received prestigious awards, including the "Best Feature Documentary" award at the Warsaw International Film Festival.
The film was translated by Asif Mammadov, Tahmin Bakirov, Aysel Mammadova, Sariya Rashidova, 4th year translation students under the supervision of Khazar University's Department of English Language and Literature and Translation and Interpretation Center.
"This is the first time that this film is screened with Azerbaijani subtitles. We are very lucky that we were able to do this together with the students and staff of Khazar University", said Viktoras Daghilis, Lithuania's Chargé d'Affaires in Azerbaijan. During the event, an awarding ceremony was also held for the students of Khazar University for their contribution to translating and subtitling the film into Azerbaijani. Several news outlets covered the event.