On March 16, 2023, the Nizami District Police Department held an educational event for students on the topic of "Fight against drug addiction" at Khazar University.
The rector of Khazar University, associate professor Irada Khalilova, vice-rector for Administration and Student Affairs Isakhan Isakhanli, chief of Nizami District Police Department Colonel Ziya Aliyev, deputy chief of Police Lieutenant Colonel Zaur Isayev, chief of the Division of Preventive Work with Minors Major Natig Yusifov, chief Inspector Police Captain Gunel Mirzayeva, chairman of the Veterans Council of Nizami District Police Department Nazim Knyazov and others attended the event.
Khazar University faculty member Baba Bayramli opened the event with an introductory speech, emphasized the importance of fighting drug addiction and introduced the guests.
Rector Irada Khalilova spoke about drug addiction, which has become a scourge today, and the importance of educating students in this field.
Then the floor was given to the chief and employees of the Nizami District Police Department. Students were given detailed information about drug addiction and its consequences, and ways to prevent it were shown. In the end, employees of the Nizami District Police Department answered the students' questions and explained the issues that interested them.