Khazar University Publishing House has published the monograph of Roza Arazova, the lecturer of the university, doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor, entitled “Орудия труда и хозяйство раннеземледельческого поселения Аликемектепе в свете трасологического изучения”( "Labour tools and economy of Alikomektepe early farming settlement based on trasological research").
The monograph is dedicated to the study of labor tools and the reconstruction of the economy of the sedentary farmer-herder population of Alikomektepe settlement. Many tools related to farming and animal husbandry have been identified by trasological method and experiments.
The study also recovered various work processes in home crafts: leather working, wood and bone working, pottery, weaving and crafts. The monograph contains an extensive summary and bibliography in Azerbaijani and English. The monograph is intended for archaeologists and historians.