On November 21-24, 2022, the international conference "ANKOSLink 2022" was held in Antalya, Turkey.
Tatyana Zaytseva, director of Khazar University's Library Information Center (LIC), Aytac Misgarli, deputy director, and Sabina Alimardanova, coordinator of Azerbaijan National ISBN Agency, participated in the international conference attended by more than 500 library and information specialists from different countries.
The head of the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS) Ismayil Chetinkaya opened the conference with an introductory speech and spoke about the goals and tasks of the event.
Scientific and educational resources, database management, new technologies applied in the library field, sustainability in information acquisition, sustainable digital protection were discussed in the panel sessions.
In the breaks between the panels, meetings were held with representatives of libraries and publishing houses of local and foreign countries.
The conference, which was very useful for library workers, ended with the presentation of Jamila Yusifova, head of the Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium.