On October 28, 2022, an educational event on "Fight against drug addiction" was held at Khazar University with the participation of the Nizami District Police Department and the Nizami District Executive Authority.
The event was attended by Khazar University rector associate professor Irada Khalilova, director of Public Relations and Media Alovsat Amirbeyli, Nizami RPI Chief Police Colonel Ziya Aliyev, Deputy Chief Police Lieutenant Colonel Zaur Isayev, head of the department for organizing preventive work with minors police major Natig Yusifov, head of the anti-drug department, police senior lieutenant Elvin Aliyev, member of the veterans' council Firdovsi Bayramov, police captain Gunel Mirzayeva, chief inspector of the division of preventive work with minors, inspector police lieutenant Gadir Huseynov, and university students.
Opening the event with an introductory speech, Irada Khalilova brought to the attention of the guests and students the importance of the fight against drug addiction and the importance of educating students in this field.
Then the floor was given to the head and employees of Nizami RPI. Students were given detailed information about drug addiction and its consequences, and ways to prevent it were shown.
Alovsat Amirbeyli gave a speech and informed about the work done in the fight against drug addiction and the role of students in this work. In the end, employees of Nizami RPI answered the students' questions.