The Sixth Management Meeting of the Erasmus +ECAR project, which includes Khazar University, Baku Business University, and Nakhchivan University as partners, took place on October 20, 2022.
The agenda for the conference included discussion of the ongoing activities, new modifications and outcomes of the earlier procedures as well as dissemination strategy and current financial situation.
Gulshan Bayramova, the project coordinator, talked during the conference about the project's continuing operations and their outcomes, especially adjustments that should be made to partnership status. Rajab Jafarli held discussions on the project plan, and issues related to the dissemination strategy and dissemination report.
The project's coordinator, Gulshan Bayramova, concluded by discussing the project's risks and financial status.
Khazar University was represented in the meeting by Dean of the Graduate School of Science, Art and Technology Saida Sharifova and Project Manager of Development Office, Jala Rzayeva.