On August 31, 2022, more than 10 country websites published an analytical interview about this problem. The request was addressed to Rasim Sattarzadeh, adviser to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, and Rovshan Abbasov, head of the Geography and Environment Department of Khazar University, expert on water issues, and member of the Supervisory Board under "AZARSU" OJSC.
In an extensive interview, they noted that since the Caspian Sea is a closed water basin, periodic changes in its level are inevitable. The main factor of the change of the level is the climate of the water basin and the decrease of the water of the rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea. They pointed out that a national adaptation strategy is currently being prepared. One of the three main directions of this strategy is the management of the coastal zones of the Caspian Sea. Here it is reflected how to prepare for the lowering of the level of the Caspian Sea. In this direction, the UN Development Program in partnership with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources is already implementing a project and a lot of work has been done.