On June 29, 2022, an international conference on "Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of outstanding scientist, winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Honored Scientist, academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov was held at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). The conference was jointly organized by ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.
The founder of Khazar University, chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli also spoke at the event, which was attended by the wide scientific community of the country. He spoke about the valuable contributions of the eminent scientist to the Azerbaijani mathematical science, his high human qualities, and shared his pleasant memories about him.
AZERTAC Information Agency and other news portals widely covered the work of the conference.
https://azpress.az/index.php?lang=az§ionid=news&id=123643 etc.