On December 22, 2021, Khazar University hosted a Teknofestseminar hosted by Rashad Barakati, Captain of the Team “ItiGovan”, the finalist in Teknofest-2021 International Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Competition, and Farida Tatardar, Associate Professor, Head of the Physics and Electronics Department.
Teknofest is the world's largest technology festival organized by the Turkish Ministry of Technology and Industry in cooperation with the T3 Foundation led by Selcuk Bayraktar. The festival entails aviation shows, technology exhibitions, start-up summits and technology competitions. On February 4, 2021, students of the Department of Physics and Electronics established the team "ItiGovan" and participated in the competition organized by the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology and the T3 Foundation.
During the seminar, students were given detailed information about Teknofest's technology competitions, especially PUA competitions. The aim was to increase students' interest in technology competitions. The importance of developing applied engineering and team working skills of Khazar Universitystudents was highlighted in order to participate in this competition in the coming years. Students participating at the event expressed their views on establishment of the Engineering Club at Khazar University, students working there actively in accordance withtheir specialties as well as their desire to participate in Teknofest Turkey and other international competitions around the world through the questionnaire.
At the end of the seminar, the establishment of an Engineering Club at Khazar University and the participation of other teams within the club, along with “Iti Govan” team, in the Teknofest-2022 competition in several categories were discussed.