On May 4, 2018, on initiatives of “THE SAME” team and International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF), an interactive workshop on “Racism and Economic Development” was held among the students of Khazar University and other universities.
Firstly, Umud Mirzayev, President of IEPF, talked about the importance of the topic and the mission of “THE SAME” team. Then Taliya Huseynzadeh, a team member of “THE SAME”, informed the audience about the competition “Peer to Peer: Facebook Global Digital Challenge”. Etibar Saatov, a team member of “THE SAME”, gave the participants detailed information about the topic and presented them with two group works with the following topics:
1) “The reasons of, and solutions to racism in poorly developed countries”;
2) “The reasons of racism in developed counties”.
Within the group works, participants had interactive discussions and exchange of views. Then Khayala Shikhaliyeva, a team member of “THE SAME”, explained the rule of the competition to make the event memorable and entertaining. Then Dr. Bahadir Baysal, wished participants success and mentioned the importance of such workshops for a future career.
Aleksandr Tusukanov, a prominent writer of Volgograd, joined the event and stressed the importance of the workshop and encouraged the participants to think about new interesting ideas.
At the end of the event, the participants were certified and a memory photo was taken.
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