On May 5, 2018, the book, posthumously published, “A hundred students, a hundred fates” dedicated to 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was presented in Baku Ataturk Lyceum. The author of the book is Teyyub Gurban, an outstanding writer and historian.
Elmar Hasanli, a History teacher of the Lyceum, an initiator of publication of the book and author of the foreword, opened the event and talked about his memories with Teyuyub Gurban. He also expressed his gratitude to administration of “Şur” publishing-house for publication of the book. Nazim Rza, film director, Firdovsiyya Ahmadova, historian, Musa Alakbarli, Director of “Şur” publishing-house, Garanfil Dunyamingizi, Editor of the book, Honored Journalist Alirza Balayev, deputy editor of Khazar Review magazine, talked about Teyyub Gurban who studied Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, the founder of the Democratic Republic, with passion for 30 years, and produced prominent masterpieces in various genres such as poetry, prose and drama.
At the end, Asaf Gurbanov, the son of the author, signed the books.