Presentation of “CanSat Azerbaijan-2018” student satellite competition, which will be held with organizational support of “Azercosmos” OJSC and Ministry of Education, was conducted for the students of School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Khazar University, on December 20, 2017. Fidan Behbudova, a leading expert of Department of Cooperative communication, “Azercosmos” OJSC, gave detailed information on competition and added that International CanSat competition, designed for motivation of development of university students in cosmic sector, has been held since 1998 with joint support of NASA, American Astronomical Society (AAS), The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as well as other leading institutions in space industry. It is also planned to hold this competition in Azerbaijan as of 2018. “CanSat Azerbaijan” is for students of higher education institutions. The objective of the competition is to increase interest in, and popularization of, student satellite projects, represent Azerbaijan in similar competitions with experienced teams and gain achievements as well as help experts to attain relevant skills for producing Nano and real satellites in the future in Azerbaijan.
After the presentation “Azercosmos” OJSC representatives answered the students’ questions.
For further information on competition: