On 1-3 December, 2017, there was an “International symposium on History, Culture and Civilization of Central Anatolian and Mediterranean Beyliks – IV Sahib Ataoghullari ve Turghutoghullari” in Afyon city, Turkey, organized by Turkish Institute of History, Afyon Kocatepe University, Najmaddin Arbakan University and Association of Islamic Historians. Zivar Huseynli-Baylan, PhD in Philosophy a coordinator and Associate Professor of the Department of Languages and Cultures of Khazar University, also participated in the symposium. Z.Huseynli-Baylan delivered a report “Analyses on Turghutoghullari and Safavides relations (based on Persian sources)” in the symposium. Moreover, Z.Huseynli-Baylan participated in final assessment meeting of the symposium and expressed her ideas on the symposium. The participants got certificates at the end of the symposium.