The first issue (Vol. 1, N1, 2017) of the brand new peer-reviewed scholarly journal, Khazar Journal of Science and Technology (KJSAT), has been published by Khazar University Press.
Khazar Journal of Science and Technology will be a source of cutting-edge, original research in a wide range of fields such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, computer science, medicine, and all forms of engineering.
The Editor-in-Chief of the new journal is Professor Hamlet Isakhanli, Founder of Khazar University and Chairman of its Board of Directors and Trustees. The editorial board of the new journal includes experts and professionals from a wide range of disciplines, universities, and countries across the world (Belgium, China, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Pakistan, Malaysia, and USA).
KJSAT is an open access journal and all its content is freely available without charge to the users and institutions. Articles are made available on the journal website as full-text pdf files. The journal is fully financially supported by Khazar University Press. There are no publication fees for any author. The open-access electronic version of the journal can be found at: