On May 17, 2016, the Khazar University Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature hosted a meeting with Kamaleddin Gadimi (member of Azerbaijani Writers’ Union as well as winner of the Award for Service to Turkish Literature (Turkey) and the Shahmar Akbarzadeh International Literature Award (Azerbaijan)) in which he presented his poetry anthology “Dünya qonaq sevən deyil” (The World is Not Hospitable). Department Chair Vurghun Eyyub opened the event with information about the poet’s life and creative activities. Then speeches highly evaluating the quality and innovation of the poet’s works were made by the poet’s peers Adila Nazar, Telli Panahgizi, Fargana, Mubariz Masimoglu, Mammad Tahir and others.
Then Kamaleddin Gadimi answered participants’ questions and read samples of his poetry. He presented books to the Khazar University library and to students.
Information about the event was also published on several websites: