The book «На имя Багирова, за подписью Багирова» (In the name of Bahirov, With the Signature of Baghirov) has been published by OL Publishers. The book was edited by Honored Journalist Alirza Balayev, Deputy Editor of Khazar University’s Khazar Review journal. He also wrote a preface to the book.
The book is a compilation of letters and other documents sent by Mir Jafar Baghirov, who was the leader of Azerbaijan for many years. The compiler of the book is Teyyub Gurban, well-known poet, editorialist, historian, and civil servant. He spent 20 years compiling these documents used by Baghirov in his multi-volume works from the Political Documents Archive of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, and they are now being presented to readers for the first time.