A collaborative scholarly publication titled "Nonlinear impulsive Hahn-Sturm-Liouville problems on the whole line" authored by Academician Hamlet Isakhanli, founder of Khazar University, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, and Professor of the Mathematics Department, in conjunction with Professor Bilandar Allahverdiyev from the same department, has been featured in the prestigious "Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Applied Mathematics. Computer Science. Control Processes" journal (2024, Volume 30, Issue 4). It is noteworthy that this academic journal is indexed in both the "Web of Science" and "Scopus" databases.
Impulsive Hahn-Sturm-Liouville problems in singular cases are discussed in the so-called article. The existence of solutions of such equations on the whole axis and in the case of Weyl’s limit-circle has been investigated. First, the corresponding Green’s function is constructed. This boundary-value problem is thus reduced to a fixed point problem. Later, the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to this problem was demonstrated by using the traditional Banach fixed point theorem. Finally, an existence theorem without considering the solution’s uniqueness was derived.
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