On July 9, 2023, the 52nd triumphant graduation of Khazar University took place in the Concert Hall of the Opera Studio under Baku Musical Academy. The administration and staff of the University, graduates and former graduates, parents and guests, attended the event.
At the event, which began with the performance of the National Anthem of Azerbaijan, the graduates were congratulated by the University Chamber Orchestra (artistic director Zulfiyya Sadigova, head of the University's Music and Art Department, honored teacher, pianist) and the Dance Ensemble. Note that the Chamber Orchestra and the Dance Ensemble accompanied the event with intermissions until the very end.
Presenters – Fatima Valiyeva (in English), an employee of the International Relations Department and Siyuan Wang (in Azerbaijani), a second-year student of the Master's Degree course of the Graduate School of Science, Art and Technology, specializing in Azerbaijani voiced that today 388 bachelors and 133 masters are graduating, and among this year's graduates are those who have earned the title of master's student of prestigious universities in Poland, Italy, France, China, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Türkiye, Sweden, Russia and Scotland.
Then the presenters gave the floor to the rector of the University, Associate Professor Irada Khalilova to congratulate the graduates. In her speech, the rector stressed that through the efforts of students and instructors, the graduates were prepared for a new life as professionals suitable for the labor market, and wished them every success.
Diplomas were then awarded to students graduating bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and presented by the rector of the University Irada Khalilova, vice-rectors Mahammad Nuriyev, Isakhan Isakhanli, Vlad Vernygora, deans of faculties, heads of departments and lecturers. Also, certificates of success were awarded to graduates of Khazar University, who won first places in their faculties – to Salima Huseynzade, Mirsadig Mukhtarov, Havva Papakhova, Jeyran Heydarova and Faria Joarder Bushra Kamal.
Congratulating the graduates at the event, former graduates of the University – Emin Rustamov, Advisor to the Chairman of the State Committee for Diaspora Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilaha Yusifli, PhD student at Hacettepe University in Türkiye, Javad Hashimov, psychologist in military unit no. N and participant of the Second Garabagh War and Associate Professor Shefik Osman, honorary guest of Khazar University and researcher at Florida International University, USA, gave their recommendations.
The presenters invited the founder of Khazar University, chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, Professor, Academician Hamlet Isakhanli to the stage. Expressing his best wishes to the graduates, the founder spoke about the fact that Khazar University was established and operates on the principles of the world, including the European education system, and, as a result, produces highly qualified personnel.
The event was followed by one of the unique traditions of Khazar University – the swearing-in ceremony of graduates, expressing their loyalty to their University, family and country.
The event ended with cheerful music and applause from the graduates.