According to the Order of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Dissertation Council Established at Khazar University
The Higher Attestation Commission under the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan established a Dissertation Council with registration number FD 2.49 at Khazar University for organizing the defense of doctoral theses in the field of pedagogy on the specialties 5802.01 – "Organization and planning of education" and 5804.01 – "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education" according to the order No. 3-50/3-1-1-195/2023 of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 20, 2023.
On the specialty of "Organization and planning of education" – 5802.01
- Isayev Hamlet Abdulla (chairman) – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
- Abbasli Konul Abbasgulu – PhD in Pedagogy
- Abbasov Akif Nuragha Doctor – Pedagogy, Professor
- Buluch Bekir (Republic of Türkiye) – Professor
- Aliyeva Leyla Khudadat – PhD in Pedagogy
- Kan Adnan (Republic of Türkiye) – Professor
On the specialty of "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education" – 5804.01
- Isakhanli Isakhan Abdulla scientific secretary) – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
- Mammadov Shahkarem Mirzamammad – Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
- Sadigov Farahim Balakishi – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
- Sharifov Hijran Ibrahim – Ph.D. in Pedagogy
- Khalilov Vidadi Jamil – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
- Yücel Gelishli (Republic of Türkiye) – Professor
We wish the Dissertation Council success in its activities!