On March 14, 2023, an event dedicated to the scientific and artistic creativity and creative activities of Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of the "Dunya" school complex and Khazar University, the chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees of the university, professor academician Hamlet Isakhanli, was held on March 14, 2023.
The educational compositions prepared by teachers and students in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages based on the content of the professor's books “Contrasts”, “Alchemy” and “My Karabakh or the Karabakh knot" aroused high interest of the participants of the event. In particular, the presentation of the current research work of Hamlet Isakhanli “My Karabakh or the Karabakh Knot” with a video version prepared by teachers and students gave a special flavor to the event.
An exhibition of hand-made works and drawings of students dedicated to the anniversary, as well as a festival called" Spring - through the eyes of the peoples of the world " - a demonstration of songs, dances and national cuisine belonging to the peoples of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Russia, Japan, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey and Azerbaijan, enlivened the event day.
At the end, the guests expressed their deep gratitude to the teachers, pupils and parents of Sumgayit “Dunya” school for the interesting event and colorful festival.