On February 27, 2023, a meeting was held with the founder of Khazar University, the chairman of its Board of Directors and Trustees, professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli, in the conference hall of the Azerbaijan Institute of Theology. The administration, employees and students of the Institute of Theology, as well as administration and employees of Khazar University took part in the event.
The host of the meeting - head of the Department of Languages and Social Sciences of the institute, associate professor Ilkin Alimuradov gave brief information about the life and activities of H. Isakhanli. Then the rector of the institute Dr. Agil Shirinov, former rector of the institute, graduate of Khazar University, MP Dr. Jeyhun Mammadov made speeches and talked about H. Isakhanli's multifaceted creative activity as doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, poet, writer, publicist, translator, specialist in history of science, culture and education, literature and as the author of numerous works on linguistics, history and philosophy.
After demonstrating the short film about the life and creativity of H. Isakhanli, the dean of the Theology faculty of the institute, associate professor Elnura Azizova, the head of the Department
of Languages and Literatures of Khazar University, associate professor Dilbar Zeynalovaya gave speeches. D. Zeynalova also recited H. Isakhanli's poems "If one of us had not been born..." and "I did not understand this world".
At the meeting, H.Isakhanli made a speech, spoke in detail about his life and activities starting from his student years and read his poems. During the students' presentation, examples of his poetry were played and questions were answered.
In the end, the rector of the institute A.Shirinov congratulated H.Isakhanli on his 75th anniversary and a gift was presented. H.Isakhanli thanked for the organization of the meeting and the congratulations.