On January 17, 2023, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of Khazar University was held. The meeting was opened by the rector of the university, associate professor Irade Khalilova, who brought the issues on the agenda to the attention of the members of the scientific council.
The first issue of the agenda was related to the preparation for the accreditation of Khazar University. In her speech rector Irada Khalilova informed the members of the Council about the changes made in the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2010, No. 167 "On the approval of the Accreditation Rules of Educational Institutions". The chairman stated that documents related to accreditation have been sent to all members of the Council.
Then vice-rector for Educational Affairs Mahammad Nuriyev gave detailed information about the directions, their criteria and indicators in the rules of accreditation of educational institutions. Muhammad Nuriyev stated that all faculties, departments and full-time employees were involved in the preparation of accreditation documents. In addition, he noted that the preparation of all these documents should be completed by the first week of March.
Elza Samadova, dean of the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, noted that most of the information related to accreditation should be provided by the department. After the questions of department heads regarding the preparation of accreditation documents were answered by rector Irade Khalilova, vice-rectors Mahammad Nuriyev and Vlad Alex Vernygora, the second issue of the agenda was discussed.
The second issue of the agenda is on the protocol of the preliminary discussion, held on December 27, 2022, of the thesis submitted by Jamila Rahim gizi Agamaliyeva, Ph.D. candidate in philology in the specialty 5714.01 - "Comparative-historical and comparative-typological linguistics" on the topic "Pragmatic features of ellipsis in English and Azerbaijani languages", which was brought to the attention of the council members by the scientific secretary.
Decisions were made regarding both issues on the agenda of the scientific council.
As for current issues, Rector Irade Khalilova said that in March 2023, the 75th anniversary of the founder of Khazar University, the chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli will be celebrated. In this regard, a number of events will be held at Khazar University.