On November 23, 2022, the talk show "Deməli" aired on Mədəniyyət TV (Culture TV) talked about the life and activities of the outstanding socio-political figure of Azerbaijan, educator, publicist, educator Omar Faig Nemanzadeh on the occasion of his 150th anniversary.
Specially invited guests in the program - founder of Khazar University, chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli, doctor of historical sciences, professor Solmaz Tohidi, leading researcher of the Nizami Institute of Literature, doctor of philosophy Gulbeniz Babayeva participated in the program. The program discussed O.F. Nemanzade's contributions in the field of education, enlightenment, linguistics, as well as his social and political activities in Azerbaijan.
The program can be watched through this link: