On October 11, 2022, a seminar entitled "Ismail Gaspirali and the Contemporary Turkish World" was organized by the Department of Languages and Literatures at Khazar University. The seminar was opened by Associate Professor Elza Samadli, Dean of the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. She spoke briefly about the relevance of Gaspiralı and his thoughts even today, and in this regard, the importance of studying his life and work. She then gave the floor to Nazim Muradov, associate professor of Lefke European University of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. Nazim Muradov gave extensive information about the life and creativity of Gaspirali, his activities in the creation of Turan ideology.
Then historian Alasgar Siyabli, who continues his scientific studies in Germany, talked about the role of Gaspirali in the formation of the Turan ideology. Dr. Elmira Abasova, an employee of ANAS Institute of Philosophy, a member of the World Turkish Hearth Union, also shared her impressions of Gaspiralı at the seminar.
At the end, Ali Shamil, head of the Foreign Relations Department of ANAS Folklore Institute, was given the floor.
At the end of the seminar, students' interesting questions were answered.