On January 25, 2022, a preliminary discussion was held on the research work entitled "Formation and Realization of Language Skills in English" by Firuza Ibrahimova, the PhD student majoring in 5708.01 - "German Languages», at the English Language and Literature Department, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. The doctoral candidate provided information on the relevance, scientific novelty, goals and objectives, approbation, structure and brief content of her scientific work. Further on, the doctoral student answered the questions of experts, commented on the remarks and suggestions mentioned.
Along with Khazar University staff, commission members, and reviewers, Milana Abbasova, Coordinator of the English Language and Literature Department at Khazar University, Fakhraddin Veysalli(supervisor), Professor of AUL, and Farman Zeynalov, Head of the Phonetics Department of the same university, and others participated in the discussion of the dissertation. At the end of the discussion, it was decided that Firuza Ibrahimova's research work entitled "Formation and realization of language skills in English" meets the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and it was decided to pass it to the next stage, for the candidate to obtain PhD degree in Philosophy.