On December 13-17, 2021, staff members of Khazar University - Saida Sharifova, Dean of the Graduate School of Sciences, Arts and Technology, Javid Ocagi, Coordinator of the Department of Life Sciences, and Mehdi Kiyasatfar, Coordinator of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, visited Bogazici University, Sabanci University, Beykoz University, Turkey. They paid official visits to Uskudar University, Kent University, TED University and Atılım University.
During the visit, meetings were held with graduate schools of the mentioned universities and their deans and employees, as well as representatives of international relations offices, and discussions were held and agreement was reached on the exchange of students and staff, preparation and formalization of dual degree programs, organization of joint seminars, intensive courses, summer schools, establishment of joint research centers and research, appointment of scientific advisers to doctoral students, etc.