On December 29, 2021, a theoretical-practical seminar on “Intercultural Competence” was held by the Department of Economics and Management in the conference hall of KhazarUniversity. In his introductory remarks, the coordinator of the department Asam Mammadov introduced the expert on tourism, founder and director of “Silk Road School” Huseyn Hasanov, who participated in the seminar as a trainer, and informed the participants about the purpose of the training, knowledge and experience to be obtained.
During the training, the theoretical and conceptual basis of the concept of intercultural communication in the context of globalization was explained, and the participants were given a full impression of the importance of intercultural communication with the provided practical examples. Based on the Lewis Model, the classification of peoples was given taking into account their characteristics, and different peoples were analysed on the basis of the mentioned model. In addition, the interaction of people from different cultures, the socio-psychological process that occurs during communication is explained in stages on the basis of "DIEs Technique".
During the training, the difficulties that cultural diversity between peoples can cause in social life, as well as in the work environment were shown, and practical recommendations were given for the effective management of such situations.
At the end of the seminar the exceptional impact of cultural diversity in the tourism sector on service quality and customer satisfaction was highlighted.