On December 2, 2021, the world-renowned organization EDUNIVERSAL, headquartered in Paris, published an official ranking of the best business schools in the world.
In the rankings, School of Economics and Management of Khazar University's ranks first among Azerbaijani business schools.
This ranking table is determined by the members of the EDUNIVERSAL Scientific Committee on the basis of criteria such as international influence, reputation and quality of education.
Source: https://www.eduniversal-ranking.com/eduniversal-ranking-agency.html
On December 15, another rating table - QS Rating Agency (UK) announced a new ranking for the region "Emerging Eastern Europe and Central Asia".
In the ranking table, Khazar University again took the first place among Azerbaijani universities. The ranking includes 7 universities from Azerbaijan:
The QS Rating Table is based on the experience of teachers in universities, reputation among employers, academic reputation etc.
Source: https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/eeca-rankings/2022
We congratulate our universities, which are included in the world's prestigious rankings, and wish them success in their activities.