"EBSCO Discovery Service" is a complex integrated search system that allows searching for articles and bibliographic information from foreign publications and provides electronic access to full texts of documents to which the organization has licensed access (purchased, subscribed resources, resources provided by foreign suppliers for trial use). The system, which has the largest global index containing more than 3.7 billion bibliographic records, indexes hundreds of resource packages available in open access mode from various suppliers, publishers, and platforms for the university without special restrictions. This allows scientists, teachers, and students to work with the world's largest scientific information sources.
It should be noted that the System operates in a "single search window" mode, and through the search window, users are given access to both EBSCO resources and scientific resources operating in open access mode worldwide, and resources can be freely downloaded.
For this purpose, a username and password have been provided to the university.
For more information, please contact the Library Information Center.