On April 22, 2024, as part of the V "Mammed Araz Poetry Day", a ceremony was held to award the winners of the poetry contest across the republic, announced last year on the occasion of the poet's 90th birthday. Literary scholars, fans of Mammad Araz's poetry, relatives of the poet, as well as the university's faculty and students, participated in the poetry day held at Khazar University.
The event started with the poem " Mother Earth, let me look into the face of every stone " in the voice of the unforgettable poet. Head of the Department of Languages and Literatures of Khazar University Assoc. Prof. Dilbar Zeynalova, head of the project “Mammad Araz Poetry Day”, lecturers of the Department - PhD in philology, poet Gardashkhan Azizkhanli, critic-essayist Assoc. Prof. Ulvi Babasoy emphasized that the main basis of the poet's creativity is the idea of freedom, independence and indivisibility of the country, the ideal of a whole Azerbaijan.
Khazar University students Valikhan Valikhanli, Asiyat Severkhanova, Riad Safarov, and Khadija Huseynova presented a poetical drama-comedy titled "Guests of a Lifetime", Nurgul Umarli performed "Oak", and Asiyat Severkhanova presented "He walked past me and hit my brother". Ibrahim Ahmadov, a 10th-grade student from Secondary School No. 33 in Lachin district, winner of the I and III "Mommed Araz Poetry Day" in poetry performance, as well as the recipient of the "Eagle" award named after Mammad Araz, recited the poem "This is the one called human".
Second-year students majoring in philology at the School of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, including Elmira Heydarova, Khoshbakht Guliyeva, Fidan Bagyrzade, Sevinj Abdullayeva, Aydan Mustafayeva, Ilkana Hashimova, Parvana Maharramova, Guldana Akbarova, Hashima Aliyeva, Guler Durmuszade, Samira Khanlarova, Rasima Mehtiyeva, Ayla Yusifova, Marjan Azizli, and Khumar Shirvanova, participated in the "Each Student One Verse" project, reciting M. Araz's poem "Our Love Bridge".
The songs written by the poet were performed by Mahsati Jabbarova, an instructor from Khazar University's Music and Art Department ("Girls Spring"),accompanied by the head of the department, honored teacher Zulfiyya Sadighova on the piano, Konul Ibrahimova, a student from the School of Science and Engineering ( "This Land, This Region"), and ashuq Ramin Karayev ("Goodbye, Mountains").
Then the names of the competition winners were announced. Winner diplomas were presented to Ali Babiroglu (1st place), Sevinj Elsever (2nd place) and Khalid Mahmud (3rd place). Poet Mina Rashid, students Zahrakhanim Mammadova, Rashid Nasirzade, Amin Safarov were also honored with diplomas for their successful participation in the contest.
Member of the Milli Majlis, writer Agil Abbas spoke about the role of his work in Azerbaijani literature and expressed that he has a true national thought and a high citizenship position. He said that Mammad Araz was always in search of the truth and fought for the right cause. The great poet is remembered as one of the most influential representatives of Azerbaijani poetry.
The event ended with Mammad Araz's poem "Good bye" in his own voice.