On June 19-23, 2023, Can Chivi and Tuncay Yılmaz, professors of the Faculty of Engineering of Manisa Celal Bayar University, Türkiye, visited the School of Science and Engineering and the International Relations Office of Khazar University within the framework of the Erasmus+ Staff Exchange Program (Erasmus+ KA107171).
On the first day of the program, an introductory meeting with the Turkish teaching staff was held with the participation of vice-rector for International Relations Vlad Vernygora, head of Physics and Electronics Department Farida Tatardar, coordinator of Chemical Engineering Department Rasoul Morad, head of Petroleum Engineering Department Elshan Abdullayev, head of Mechanical Engineering Department Mehdi Kiyasatfar, coordinators of International Relations Office Fatima Valiyeva and Arzu Badalova.
Professor of the Faculty of Engineering Tuncay Yilmaz held a seminar on “Food Engineering“ for students of the School of Science and Engineering at Khazar University.
In line with the program, the deputy director of the Library Information Center (LIC) Aytac Misgarli introduced the guests to the activities of the center. In the Nailekhanim Cultural Center, they were given detailed information about the exhibits reflecting the life and activities of the outstanding educator Nailekhanim Isayeva. Then Rasoul Morad, Elshan Abdullayev and Mehdi Kiyasatfar explained to the Turkish professors the working principles of the laboratories in the departments.
In the following days of the program, the guests held talks with Farida Tatardar and Mehdi Kiyasatfar on inter-departmental cooperation.
An excursion to the "Ateshgah Temple" State Historical-Architectural Reserve was organized for the guests.
At the end of the program, the dean of the School of Science and Engineering, Fakhranda Efendiyeva, presented a certificate to the delegation.