The second book of the series “Surayya Aghaoghlu and Tezer Aghaoghlu (Tashkıran)” has been published by Khazar University Publishing House.
Note that the series of books will include 100 women who contributed to the culture of Azerbaijan, who have a place in the Nailekhanim Museum in the "Dunya" school, and the author of the idea, project manager and editor of the series, as well as the author of the 1st book entitled "Nurjahan and Mumutaz Mahal" is the founder of Khazar University, the chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli.
The author of the second book ”Surayya Aghaoghlu and Tezer Aghaoghlu (Tashkiran)“ is Madina Karahan, an employee of the "Dunya" School, PhD in philology. The book is dedicated to the life and activities of the daughters of the outstanding state and public figure of Azerbaijan, Ahmed Bey Aghaoghlu. The texts are accompanied by interesting historical photos in an elegantly designed book.