Spin Coaters and Centrifuges have been developed for the production of thin films for diodes and sensors as a result of the work of the faculty members of the Department Ahmad Azimov, Muhammad Alizade and Babak Emdadi in the laboratory "Electronics, Radio Engineering and Telecommunications" of the Physics and Electronics Department of Khazar University together with students.
These devices are used to obtain thin films of 20–300 nm thick (for diodes and solar cells, etc.) and nanoparticles with 2–20 nm in size (graphene, quantum nanodot, quantum nanocrystal, etc.).
These devices, which are sold abroad at a price of 2000-7000 dollars, have been made several times cheaper in the Department. They will be used to obtain thin films and nanoparticles prepared in the Nanotechnology laboratory, and research work will be carried out.