A Letter of Gratitude to “Khazar”

A Letter of Gratitude to “Khazar”


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Interview with Hamlet Isakhanli was broadcast on “Ictimai” Radio

Interview with Hamlet Isakhanli was broadcast on “Ictimai” R...

On March 1, 2018, an interview with Professor Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of K...

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Translated work of literature in “Azerbaijan” journal

Translated work of literature in “Azerbaijan” journal

An extract from “Those with desperate wishes” by Zeynalabidin Makas, a popular T...

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March 1 – World Civil Defense Day celebrated

March 1 – World Civil Defense Day celebrated

A ceremony dedicated to March 1 – World Civil Defense Day was organised on Mar...

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Jubilee at Khazar University

Jubilee at Khazar University

A ceremony was held to celebrate Piri Piriyev’s, a staff member of the Departmen...

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Department of History and Archeology commemorates Khojaly Genocide

Department of History and Archeology commemorates Khojaly Ge...

The instructors of Department of History and Archeology of Khazar University, es...

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Another training at Career Centre

Another training at Career Centre

Sabina Allahveranova, manager of Career Center of Khazar University, held a trai...

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The manager of Career Centre functions as a Senator of the Democratic Party

The manager of Career Centre functions as a Senator of the D...

Model United States Senate conference was organized by Samira Gasimova, YLP`13 P...

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TSU sends “A letter of gratitude” to Prof. Isakhanli

TSU sends “A letter of gratitude” to Prof. Isakhanli

Dr. George Sharvashidze, rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,...

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A ceremony dedicated to Arif Babayev’s 80th anniversary

A ceremony dedicated to Arif Babayev’s 80th anniversary

A ceremony was held to commemorate Arif Babayev’s, a prominent mugham singer and...

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Israeli ambassador visits Khazar University

Israeli ambassador visits Khazar University

Mr. Dan Stav, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Israel to Azerbaij...

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Khazar University administration visits “GreenTech” LLC

Khazar University administration visits “GreenTech” LLC

Prof. Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of Khazar University and Chairman of its Boa...

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A lecturer of the Department of History and Archeology participates in a scientific conference

A lecturer of the Department of History and Archeology parti...

Division of Social Sciences, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), and...

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An extended meeting with participation of parents and teachers in Sumgayit “Dunya” school

An extended meeting with participation of parents and teache...

An extended meeting with participation of parents and teachers was held at Sumga...

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A meeting with Hamlet Isakhanli at “Dunya” school

A meeting with Hamlet Isakhanli at “Dunya” school

There was a meeting with Prof. Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of Khazar Universit...

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Next seminar of PhD and Master Students Union

Next seminar of PhD and Master Students Union

Within the framework of traditional trainings and seminars of PhD and Master Stu...

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