Representative of the Ministry of Education of Mongolia Shows Great Interest in Khazar University

Representative of the Ministry of Education of Mongolia Show...

On February 25, 2020, the Turan Information Agency reports that Bayar Dugarsuren...

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Film “Until the Last Breath” Demonstrated to Students

Film “Until the Last Breath” Demonstrated to Students

On February 24, 2020, a demonstration of the film “Until the Last Breath” and a ...

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LIC Received New Books under Erasmus+ PROMIG Project

LIC Received New Books under Erasmus+ PROMIG Project

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ PROMIG project, Khazar University Library a...

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Public Union Organized a “Roundtable”

Public Union Organized a “Roundtable”

On February 21, 2020, the Roundtable of the “Debates in the Civil Society” Publi...

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Potential School Principals Course Attendees Visited “Dunya” School

Potential School Principals Course Attendees Visited “Dunya”...

On February 12, 2020, a meeting of the attendees of the “Potential School Princi...

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Admission Examinations on Majoring Subjects for PhD and Interviews for Postgraduate Thesis

Admission Examinations on Majoring Subjects for PhD and Inte...

On February 21, 2020, Khazar University held an admission examination on majorin...

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Khazar University’s Founder Visited Osmangazi University

Khazar University’s Founder Visited Osmangazi University

On February 19, 2020, Professor Hamlet Isakhanli, the Founder of Khazar Universi...

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Higher Education Institutions Fair Held in the Youth House

Higher Education Institutions Fair Held in the Youth House

On February 23, 2020, the Youth House in Sabunchu District hosted Higher Educati...

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Psychology Department Member Takes Part in Health Psychology Seminar

Psychology Department Member Takes Part in Health Psychology...

On February 22 and 23, 2020, Melek Karimova, Coordinator of Khazar University's ...

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Head of Working Group on Attracting Students Visited Regions

Head of Working Group on Attracting Students Visited Regions

On February 21, 2020, Professor Fuat Rasulov, Head of the Working Group on Attra...

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Psychology Department Teacher Met with APA representative

Psychology Department Teacher Met with APA representative

On February 21, 2020, Nilufar Alizade, an instructor and PhD student at Psycholo...

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DSpace Google Analytics Statistics

DSpace Google Analytics Statistics

Khazar University Institutional Repository adopted Google Analytics (GA) to trac...

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Monitoring Meeting of the MEDIATS Project

Monitoring Meeting of the MEDIATS Project

On February 21, 2020, the National Erasmus+ Office of Azerbaijan conducted the m...

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Verses from “Masnavi” Recited at MAFAM

Verses from “Masnavi” Recited at MAFAM

On February 20, 2020, upon the initiative of the Mawlana Center for Literary and...

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CEDIC Specialists Conducted Informative Presentation

CEDIC Specialists Conducted Informative Presentation

On February 21, 2020, Aytaj Nasirli and Jalala Hasanova, the experts from the Ce...

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Joyce Lisa Muduve’s Erasmus+ experience at Manisa Celal Bayar University

Joyce Lisa Muduve’s Erasmus+ experience at Manisa Celal Baya...

Joyce Lisa Muduve, is a fourth-year BBA student at Khazar University, who took p...

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