On November 30, 2023, Khazar University hosted its 81st "Assembly of Science and Art." The session, inaugurated by Acad. Prof. Hamlet Isakhanli, the university's founder and chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, commenced with an introduction. He provided detailed information about Eyup Saritash, a professor from Istanbul University, Türkiye, and delved into the renowned scientist's research in Chinese sources. Subsequently, E. Saritash delivered a comprehensive and captivating lecture on "Ancient Turkish history and culture according to Chinese sources."
Following the lecture, Professor Saritash engaged in a Q&A session, addressing inquiries from scientists and students representing various educational and scientific institutions in Azerbaijan. Notable individuals posing questions included Shahin Fazil (Institute of History of ANAS), Nargiz Aliyeva (National Museum of Azerbaijan History), Hamlet Isakhanli, Roza Arazova, and Kamala Mustafayeva (Khazar University), Bahlul Ibrahimli, and Ismayil Umudlu (Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography, and Anthropology of ANAS), Solmaz Tohidi (Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS), Elchin Mammadli (“Tazadlar” newspaper), among others.
The venue showcased carpets and handmade items by the university's carpet maker-artist, Vafa Alizade, garnering significant interest from participants.