Very devastating news-the death of MP Ganira Pashayeva, chairman of the Culture Committee of the Milli Majlis, deeply shocked the staff of Khazar University. Ganira Pashayeva, who was a very active public figure along with her high state powers, met not only with her constituents, but also with various sections of the population, especially the families of martyrs, and cared for them. As the chairman of the Culture Committee, she congratulated literary and art figures on their birthdays and met with them,which was the highlight of her activity. Ganira Pashayeva, who had a great love for the Turkic world, was also known for her service to the brotherhood of Türkiye and Azerbaijan and the unity of Turkic states in general.
Ganira Pashayeva and the Khazar University had long-term close friendly relations. For some time she worked as a teacher at the University, and later she would come to the university events with great pleasure, meet with the staff and make profound speeches. She had a sincere love for Khazar University because of its innovative features in the country's higher education space, and the university staff loved her as a beautiful intelligent lady of the country, a deeply intelligent public figure, and a caring person.
The dear, unforgettable memory of Ganira Pashayeva will always live in our hearts.
Rest in peace!
Prof. Acad. Hamlet Isakhanli
On behalf of Khazar University Staff