ENGL 101: English Foundations 1 (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Placement test
This course is designed to improve students’ 4 essential language skills in learning English. Through reading texts, doing listening tasks, writing grammar exercises, and speaking on a variety of topics they will be able to improve their English and build up their vocabulary. It also aims at the development of the students’ understanding and use of reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills in word recognition, word meaning, and text comprehension. Students who participate actively in this course will achieve a CEF A1+ proficiency level.
ENGL 102: English Foundations 2 (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 101
The course aims at the development of the students’ understanding and using different skills and strategies in word recognition, word meaning and text comprehension. It builds up the students’ vocabulary through wide and fluent reading of the selected topics, expands their comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information and ideas in literacy and informational text, and develops the students’ interests through sharing reading experiences.
ENGL 201: Pre-Advanced English Grammar (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 104
Course objectives are: to enable the students to use the English Language properly, to develop their creative thinking, to make them aware of the flexibility of the grammatical structures (Intermediate Level). It develops the students’ language skills and habits through the evidences of how the language works, how considerably can grammar elaborate the efficiency of language use in various situations.
ENGL 202: Advanced English Grammar (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 201
It develops students’ knowledge, skills and habits of Post Intermediate English structural level, helps them to correct studying and using of the English language in various situations, including oral speech and narrations and written text structures.
ENGL 206: ESL (Pre-advanced) (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 103 and ENGL 104
The course is aimed at further development of the four language skills and improving students’ ability to communicate in university environment. Authentic materials of the course fostering educational and cultural values are integrated with other subjects of the general education curriculum. The course develops a system of logical and organized thinking and promotes individualized and cooperative learning by involving students into an argument and research.
ENGL 207: Introduction to English Translation (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 103, 104
The course provides information on the basics of English translation. The study of comparative word orders in English, Azerbaijani/Russian languages during translations are the major elements of the course.
ENGL 212: English for Current Events (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 201
Skills necessary to understand news media as means of English improvement and as a source of information and entertainment; print and electronic media coverage of current news and issues. Being complementary to other subjects, it is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, reading and listening, as well as translation skills.
ENGL 216: English for Specific Purposes (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 103 and ENGL 104
The emphasis of the course rests on major structural and lexical differences between General English and ESP. To find out the correlation of scientific and non-scientific structures, to count and register them would mean much in getting accuracy in various styles, typing them and thus escaping contextual misunderstandings.
ENGL 217: ESL (Advanced) (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 206
This course is focused on developing: (1) the reading and writing for academic purposes while assignments are given out of the materials the students use for academic disciplines. (2) the speaking and presentation skills required for future career development. Skills include pronunciation, classroom interaction, presentations, seminar discussions, and basic teaching strategies to obtain the knowledge and skills needed for daily communication. The main focus will be on listening and speaking but involving some reading and writing as well.
ENGL 309: English Composition (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 202 or consent of instructor
It is aimed to help students acquire competence not only in writing English but also composing their own essays and writing assignments, discussions, reading and listening. It helps the students to develop their basic abilities for description techniques, analysis and written judgments through instruction of a short composition text structure.
ENGL 311: Survey of British Literature I (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
It focuses on discussion of the major works of English writers from the Old period up the end of XVIII century including Geoffrey Chaucer, Marwel, Shakespeare, Donne and others.
ENGL 315: English through Films (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 201 or consent of instructor
The course focuses on developing listening and speaking skills, cross cultural understanding using American/English movies and television; comprehension of complex information presented in a non-lecture format, as in television documentaries. It determines the speaker’s independent attitude towards the subject by an individual critical reasoning.
ENGL 316: Advanced English Vocabulary (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Advanced English Vocabulary is designed for English and non-English majors, teaching students who seek a thorough understanding of English word building. The aim of this course is primarily to help students acquire competence in usage of language focusing mainly on vocabulary and academic word list. This course enables the students to gain a deeper understanding, speaking, and listening performances along with vocabulary enrichment. Students will demonstrate mastery of class material through variety of exercises and quizzes.
ENGL 317: History of the English Language (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Development of the English language from Old to Early Modern English: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntax. To provide knowledge on history of the English Language, its significant regional variations and about the principles of historical linguistics.
ENGL 321: Translation Practice 1 (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 207 or consent of instructor
It aims at translation of written English text materials from English into the native or vice versa, develops students’ critical reasoning on text structures, improves their reading and comprehension abilities.
ENGL 322: Lexicology (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
It is aimed to expand students’ vocabulary through word-building exercises like synonyms, antonyms, word matching, etc. Its purpose is to help the students to improve their academic reading rate and comprehension abilities, the meanings of roots, suffixes, and prefixes.
ENGL 324: Translation Practice 2 (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 321
It is focused on the translation of the various text materials with different levels of difficulties using the correct methods and devices of text transformations through practical application of the learned grammatical structures and models.
ENGL 325: Communication English (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
The course develops speaking and overall communication skills in English through discussion-based class sessions, role-plays, descriptions of the various life situations, movie and events discussions.
ENGL/AMS 326: British/American Studies (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
It is focused on the social and cultural life of modern Britain/America. By presentation of the various topics for reading and analysis, the students are further developed more rigorously in terms of cross cultural, educational, social and economic orientations.
ENGL 330: Survey of British Literature II (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 311 or consent of the instructor
It focuses on learning and discussion of the major works of English writers of XIX and XX centuries.
ENGL 335: Academic Writing (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 309 or consent of the instructor
It provides an opportunity to learn and practice the basics of effective, logically ordered, organized and well researched writing processes with effective written arguments and significant ideas.
It aims at the development and refinement of the academic written skills through the use of multiple drafts and revisions of the assigned essays and their essential parts in their writing process. A variety of methods, like the study of model texts through reading, analysis, and discussion, teaching of rhetorical concepts (audience, purpose, style, focus, development, structure, etc.) and practice in logical and reasoning analyses are used to tackle the students with necessary course requirements.
ENGL 410: Modern English Literature (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
It provided discussions of the major modern English writers and theorists of the XXI century.
ENGL 411: Translation Practice 3 (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 324
It further develops the previously studied translation practices and techniques raising the students' awareness in grasping, interpreting, transferring the major contextual implications. Students are trained on the intricate text structures and translation models. They learn the acceptable ways of correct translations through the specific features of the languages (English/Azerbaijan/Russian) to be translated from and into.
ENGL 414: Development of American English (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 317
Special emphasis is put on American English, differences in phonetic, grammatical and vocabulary in American English. The course also considers special readings in American English.
ENGL 415: Survey of American Literature (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
The course curriculum pursues learning historical survey of important writers, intellectual current movements, conventions, genres, and themes. Lecture course, with wide reading, recitation section, with discussion and writing are major parts of the course.
ENGL 416: Survey of British Literature (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
The course aims at realizing the historical survey of major figures, movements, and trends in British literature (from Chaucer to Marvell, including Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne, etc).
ENGL 417: World Literature in English (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Examination of literature written in English worldwide. Although the course may include writings from the US and Britain, emphasis is on literature from Canada, Africa, India, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the South Seas.
ENGL 418: World English (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Examines development, significance, and linguistic characteristics of varieties of English spoken in different countries (US, UK, India, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia), and local standards with reference to cultural identity and language nativization.
ENGL 419: Creative Writing (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 309
Creative writing focuses on the advancement of students’ versatility, advances their individual writing skills and imagination. It enables the students to demonstrate their skill in writing essays, short stories, poetry, and drama. Its elements of writing poetry and prose involve a combination of small group workshops and lecture presentation by visiting writers.
ENGL 420: Literary Studies (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
This course provides a survey of literary studies from antiquity through the Middle Ages to modernity.
ENGL: 421 Text Interpretation (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisites: consent of the instructor
The course is intended for advanced ESL students taking training at English – medium universities to meet academic requirements of the English language curriculum. It is aimed at analyzing texts, exposing students to authentic reading materials with functional style of English language, improving and reinforcing their oral practice. Through stylistic devices and expressive means used by the written to adequately interpreter the message and recognize the writers opinion.
ENGL 428: Translation Practice 4 (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 411
It is aimed at consolidation of translation practices gained from the previous course Translation Practice -3 by the help of systematic translation analyses
ENGL 431: History of the British Isles and the English Language (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
It studies the origins and history of the development of English language and British Isles through the four major periods.
ENGL 608: Translation and Interpreting Theory (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
A two-semester course covers the basics of translation and interpretation theory. The course aims at students’ acquisition of the basic knowledge and understanding of the processes and results of written and oral inter-lingual transfer of messages, description of the processes, factors, stages, and results of translating and interpreting activities as contextually determined phenomena.
ENGL 609: Stylistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 322
This course aims at development of the students’ awareness in recognizing, comprehension of different English language styles, their power of expressiveness and sets of their characteristics by which one is distinguished from the other; belles-lettres, publicist, literary style, the language of newspapers, scientific prose and official documents.
ENGL 612: Methods of Translating and Interpreting (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: ENGL 609, ENGL 322
It aims at developing basic communicative and interpretation skills, knowledge and habits used for consecutive interpreting as well as for linguistic and cultural competence. Focuses mainly on (operative, short-term, long-term) memory training, active understanding, note-taking of foreign language spoken discourse with its subsequent transfer into the mother tongue and vice versa.
ENGL 613: Basics of Technical Translation (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the Instructor
It develops a competence and skills in translation from the related technical texts (business and economics, law and administration, engineering, etc) into the foreign language and vice versa using the translation methods and devices. To be able to handle the various specialized dictionaries, terminologies, and research materials, documentations. It develops the students’ skills and habits in treatment of terminology and style. A vocabulary work of 1000 and 1200 words should be translated in before the exam.
ENGL 702: Literary Translation and Editing (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
The course provided major tools in literary translation and editing. Specific emphasis is put on preservation and conveyance of style in translation and detailed structure of editing process.
ENGL 703: Interpreting (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
The course provides major tools, its mechanism and proactive and retroactive principles in interpretation. Major approaches and theories of interpretation are analyzed. Major focus is on practice of interpretation.
LING 215: Introduction to Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
This course gives the most generic knowledge about historical background, formation, common features and diversities of the languages and language families. The course mainly focuses on delivery of information about the methods and techniques of linguistic analyses, including meaning, evaluation and changes of the regional and social dialects. It discusses the ways of development of the linguistic quality assessment models from the historical and theoretical angles.
LING 216: Fundamentals of Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
This course explores general problems in the study of linguistics. It illustrates the origin and development of linguistics, the world languages and their classifications. It interprets the relations between the language and its writing, origin of writing, its peculiarities and periods of development.
LING 310: Phonology (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 216
It teaches the speech sounds and prosodic events (height of the tone, length, and strength) as a meaning distinguishing device (phoneme) of the words, morphemes and a system of phonemes of the language, and investigates their functional features.
LING 420: Languages of the World (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Survey of language families of the world: Classifying languages genetically and typologically; historical relations among languages.
LING 421: Sociolinguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Social determinants of linguistic diversity, variability, and change; linguistic behavior and social control; methods of community-based linguistics research.
LING 422: Linguistic Analysis (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Techniques for analyzing phonological, morphological, and syntactic data from a variety of languages; discovering stating, and justifying generalizations; comparison of diverse languages.
LING 423: History of Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Origins and history of development of linguistics, various theories of development of linguistics.
LING 424: Modern Linguistic Problems (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
This seminar discusses major debates on problems in linguistics. Students are required to acquaint themselves with contemporary schools in linguistics.
LING 425: Comparative Historical Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 216
The comparative –historical method is referenced in this area of linguistics. In this way an old and the oldest phonetic, lexical and grammatical properties of the language concerning to the language family are reconstructed. The categories of the separate languages are compared with the categories of relative languages, the similarities and differences are defined. Azerbaijani is investigated in comparison with other Turkish languages.
LING 426: Structural linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 216
The course teaches the current theories of widely known branch in linguistics, i.e. structuralism. It deals with the school branches like Prague School of Structuralism (Functional Linguistics), Copenhagen School of Structuralism (Glossematics), American School of Structuralism (Descriptivism), and the School of Ferdinand de Saussure as a founder of the latter branch. It shows that the structural method as a constituent part of the language unit mainly focuses on the unique structure of the language, and attaches no importance to the existing inter componential semantic unit structures.
LING 427: Psycholinguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 216
The course explains the principles of inception and perception of speech activity and relations of linguistics with psychology. It is indicated five kinds of speech disturbances brought forward in the psychological and linguistic literature; two of them (dynamic and motor) are related to psychology, one of them – semantic aphasia – to linguistics, two – afferent motor and sensor aphasias – to physiological disturbances. It also investigates the speech like one of the practical human activities.
LING 428: Ethno-linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 216
This part of Macro-linguistics teaches the relations between language and people, analyses the mutual influence of the linguistic and ethnic factors in language functionality.
LING 502: Second Language Acquisition (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Review of literature on child and adult second language acquisitions, language variables; phonological, morphological, sentential and discourse levels. Social and psychological variables which may account for differences in learning. Emphasis on different extracts from child’s literature.
LING 503: Structure of Modern English (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Interpretation of selected linguistic features of overall and written text that go beyond sentence level and thus, signal cohesion. Study of functions of various structures in a variety of English texts representing several discourse types.
LING 505: Applied Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Emphasis on the theory and methods of applied linguistics. Universal properties of human language, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic structures and analysis; nature and form of applied linguistics.
LING 511: Linguistic Methods (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 216
It teaches linguistics, the methods of investigation in the subject teaching and analyzes the general and special methods, highlights its different features, problems, methods and methodology. The course gives detailed information on comparative-historical, observational, descriptive, experimental, mathematical, structural, areal and formal methods.
LING 604: Text Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: None
Organization of topic-comment structure, modality, thematic structure of sentences factors such as meaning, discourse genre, social/pragmatic function; emphasis on syntactic units and structural properties of words/structures under consideration.
LING 607: Linguistics (Trends and Methods) (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 215
Methodological criteria of the linguistic schools and applicability of the methods advanced by them (shortages and advantages in phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics); word, phrase, sentence and discourse level; behavior of language items in correspondence and other type texts. Trends in linguistics: American structuralism, Copenhagen Glossematics and Prague Functionalism, their basic theoretical premises and methods.
LING 609: Natural Language processing (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 607
Survey of recent works on natural language processing. Extensions of basic language processing techniques to natural language processing. Recent models of syntactic, semantic and discourse analysis; brain bases for language modeling.
LING 611: Linguistic Theory (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 607
Language and linguistics theories and methods of linguistics with emphasis on structure of Modern Standard English; phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Crucial problems in structure of English considered from such theoretical frameworks as sign-oriented linguistics, functional linguistics, Discourse Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics; Discussion on formal linguistic approaches.
LING 613: Cognitive Linguistics (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 607
Introduces the study of human cognition. Topics include perception, attention, memory, knowledge representation, language, problem solving, and reasoning. Considers the real-world implications of laboratory findings.
LING 614: Linguistic Typology (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 607
An integrated approach to General Linguistics with the focus on Typology synthesizing, structural aspects and diachronic studies, both applied to Ural- Altaic. Mode of diachronic comparison is proposed which shares with synchronic typology the attribute of generality. Practical and approach system-based cover all major topics of general linguistic typology.
LING 615: Translation: Text Analysis (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: LING 608
The course provides the student with tools and approaches to a comprehensive pre-translation analysis of authentic spoken and written discourses in their relevant contexts.
TESL 601: Principles of TESL (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Current approaches, methods, and techniques in teaching English as a foreign/second language at varied proficiency level.
TESL 602: Teaching Materials and Textbook Compiling (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Supervised classroom experience selection and dosing of teaching materials; advanced pronunciation and methods of teaching English pronunciation; compiling of text books Development of skill required to critique the validity of research designs.
TESL 603: Curricula and Program Development (6 ECTS credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Curricular and program development, class size and classroom management problems, teacher and language learning; emphasis upon second language acquisition and use.