A seminar titled "The Importance of Human Capital in Terms of State Policy in Azerbaijan: A Review of Reforms in Higher Education and Labor Market" by doctoral student Ali Rzayev will be held. The event is organized jointly by the Graduate School of Science, Art and Technology and the Department of Economics and Management. The speaker is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at Istanbul University in Türkiye under the program “Doctoral Education Abroad for Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the Period 2019-2023,” conducted on the basis of a tripartite agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Khazar University.
The seminar will take place online via the Teams platform on March 17, 2025, at 11:15. Those interested in participating can join the seminar using the information below:
Meeting ID: 429 863 322 193
Passcode: GT2mi7Kr