On July 6, 2022, AZERTAC and other websites published news on English test exam organized by Graduate School of Economics and Business Khazar University, within the selection process of students to ”MicroMasters” program in “Data, Economics and Development Policy” of Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
The news says that more than 110 applicants participated at the exam. English Language and Literature Department, Public Relations and Media Office highly contributed to the organization of the exam.
The next exam will be held on calculus on 9th of July.
Based on the results of both exams and the interview which is the last stage of the selection process, 20 candidates will be selected for the MIT’s MicroMasters program.
Before the program which will start online in October, the selected students will take preparatory classes on calculus and statistics for 6 weeks at Khazar University.