Software program available to faculty, staff and students of Khazar University.
EndNote helps you manage bibliographic citations along with associated pdf and other files, and create bibliographies in a variety of styles (e.g. APA, MLA, Harvard).
With EndNote you can:
EndNote stands in between the places you find citations and your Word document.
It stores and lets you sort and organize your citations and holds other descriptive information and files (such as pdfs) associated with those citations.
In your Word document, you can reach into EndNote and insert in-text references along with footnote or endnote references according to a wide variety of styles.
EndNote Web has many of the same features as the full version but it is simpler to use and is accessible via the web.
You can save records and pdfs in EndNote Web and sync them with your main EndNote library.
Citavi combines reference management and knowledge organization. With Citavi you can search resources from around the world, create tasks, analyze texts, save quotations and ideas, create outlines for drafts, and write reports, articles, or books – faster and more efficiently than you ever thought possible.
Find full text articles and save them in your project. Annotate PDFs and save quotations, comments, and your own ideas and drafts directly in Citavi. Even Office documents, webpages, and images can be saved and analyzed in Citavi.