The Department of Life Sciences was founded on the base of Biological Sciences department, and transferred from the School of Education to the school of Science and Engineering from February 2019. Biological Sciences department established as a part of the Medical School in 1992. In 2010, the Department of Biological Sciences was transferred to the School of Education.
Life Sciences is an exciting area to study. Our department envisions that only excellence of teaching and high-quality education can develop a scientific and educational community and create critically thinking citizens. As a result, graduates will recognize the essential role of science, and particularly biology, in making significant advances for future generations.
Our goals are to promote a general understanding of Life Sciences and provide curricula that prepare our students for education in biology, chemistry and biology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree (BS). This curriculum exposes the core fundamental disciplines of life sciences with different elective courses on topics such as stem cell biology, ecology, radiobiology, biostatistics, immunology, medical biology, and the biology of the central nervous system.
Students are using the laboratory of the Center for Cell Pathology Research for their practical classes in life sciences, and working on their research projects.
The Department offers graduate programs leading to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in different areas of Life Sciences, including Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry.
The Department of Life Sciences also provides electives to meet the General Education Requirements for courses at other schools within the university.