On April 20-21, 2018, Khazar University will hold the 1st International Symposium on Educational Sciences entitled “Global Education.” The symposium will be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Hamlet Isakhanli, the founder of Khazar University, Chairman of its Board of Directors and Trustees, mathematician, poet, science and social science writer, prominent public figure, and a well-known education expert.
The main aim of the symposium to be held with participation of scholars and researchers from a variety of universities around the globe is to discuss recent developments in educational sciences, latest innovations in education, and integration of Azerbaijan into the global educational space as well as encourage young researchers to pursue research in new areas of educational sciences.
Research papers are accepted in Azerbaijani language, Turkish, Russian and English.
To attend the symposium as a speaker or listener register here and submit an abstract of your article to edusymposium@khazar.org until the deadline (15.02.2018).
A link for website of the symposium: