We are committed to supporting you as you enter the world of employment, whether you need to talk through your options, practice for interviews, or find the job that's right for you. For up to two years after graduation, you can access our full range of support of Career Center. Whether you are just starting out in your career, well established in your role, or looking for new challenges, there is a wide range of events run by the University and tailored for alumni. Participate in free events to advance your networking, job searching and connections with local and international employers. Follow the calendar for upcoming events.
The University always needs alumni from all sectors of employment to speak to students at careers events. If you feel you can give something back to Khazar University in this way, please contact the Career Center.
You can also partner with the Career Center to support current students and fellow graduates in their academic and professional endeavors. Search for outstanding interns and valuable employees from your own University.
The Alumni Reunion provides a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with friends and classmates and see how Khazar University has grown into the university it is today.
Make an appointment calling 00994 12 421 7916 (212) or emailing to careercenter@khazar.org to schedule the date and time.