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Jeyhun Mammadov
Ingilab Ahmadov
Mahammad Nuriyev
Fuat Rasulov
Shaig Ganbarli
Kamil Heydarov
Fuad Aliyev
Shahriyar Mukhtarov
Elvin Mammadov
"Multicriteria decision-making under high-level uncertainty in tourism: Z-numbers based approaches" has been published in “7th international zeugma conference on scientific researches” on 10th February 2022.
Ceyhun Məmmədov, Məhəmməd Nuriyev, Əziz Nuriyev, Coşqun Məmmədov
Nuriyev, M., Nuriyev, A., Məhəməd, A.N.
Bahadır Baysal
Qəhrəman Yusupov